Stellar FIVR is an exciting new award winning science fiction story from Pagan Films. The Proof of Concept trailer was screened at the Tramshed in Cardiff autumn 2023.

The trailer won Best Sci-Fi Short 2023 at the Magic Silver Screen Film Festival and was a semi-finalist sci-fi at Lonely Wolf International Film Festival, Filmhaus, Faro and Yeti Film Festivals. It was nominated for best sci-fi by Planet Cinema and Nocturna Film Festivals, best low budget short by Film Revolution Fest, was an award winner at Cannes World Art Festival and nominated for Outstanding Spectacle, Adrenaline or Fantasia at Climax Festival Internacional de Cinema Independiente in Madrid.

We are delighted that the feature screenplay won Best Sci-Fi, Action or Fantasy at Lonely Wolf International Film Festival as well as Quarter Finalist at the San Francisco International Screenwriting Competition and New York Metropolitan Screenwriting Competition and Film Awards; both festivals describing it as 'wonderful' and San Francisco saying the writing was 'especially good'. The screenplay also received a nomination from Planet Cinema, was a finalist at Filmhaus and was an award winner at Cannes World Art Festival.

The screenplay was selected by the Inspirational Film Festival and the Proof of Concept for the Sensei Film Festival in Tokyo and the Infinite Creativity Film Festival in Geneva. Both the Proof of Concept and screenplay were officially selected for the Paris Awards Film Festival.
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